martes, 22 de junio de 2010

shit blows up so it's good

I said I would post when this happened. Not like anyone cares, but *some people* were like "omg! yes! post about yr awesome pets!".

deselectBloggerImageGracefully. What a retarded function name. I would lose marks for that. Anyway, my fox leveled, hurray! Then I was bored and got him 11 more percent...which was pretty easy, and rendered the whole "level up!" moment kind of...unimpressive.

Then my cat died and I was sad, because this stupid drake dropped an emerald best when I wandered into him. He was slightly avenged when 1 minute later I wandered into ddl and got a cdai.

That is all. I am very tired, so this is not written very well :/.

1 comentario:

  1. Wooooot!!!! I was wondering if add some post or not, then I saw you posted and thought I have no possible defense if I won't.
