jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

the end?

The end of Lineage US is very surreal. Does anyone even read this blog anymore? :P

I didn't really play, in fact I doubt I logged on since the day of the announcement that the server would be closing...At first, I had told myself that I would, but it was too depressing...and besides, what was the point? I finally logged on on the last day, which was less than lackluster...like 100 people on the server in the last 30 minutes, and antharas/girtas spawns in Giran. I left Giran X with like 20 minutes to go, to take cute pictures with friends. Btw, way to go Japanese client, I couldn't use any items! I leveled to 84...and then stupidly respecced, spending my last minutes ingame naked.

It's only now that I'm really thinking of the people that I've lost, the severed connections - where is BloodSpirit! Where is DS!