viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

The Third one!

Weeell there is my new LvL 80
on WoW! Its a DeathKnight, and his
name is Argentus. That is 4 days ago.
Now hes close to full epic doing heroic
instances ^_^' That is my 3rd 80, and now
im lvling some more char!

sábado, 24 de julio de 2010

maybe single people eat crackers

I have been meaning to post/share this for so long, but I kept forgetting!

viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

emo rant/"why can't you just say thank you"

I said I would post again when this happened. The end is near! I decided to evolve @ lvl 42.

Btw, where is Davido, the one who originally wanted to start a blog? :P

So, someone gave me an inferno.

Then this happened, and I felt kind of sad, because bzels are worthless now.

I probably started playing Lineage...8 years ago? In all that time, this is the first time anyone has given me anything, and it was definitely hard to accept. Ignoring my own crazy personal issues of never being able to say "thank you", and always instead insisting that I am not worthy of a gift MMORPGS I definitely feel like girls have to hold themselves to a higher standard. I think there's always this assumption if you have good gear or items, it's because you used certain physical assets to extort them from male nerds. &I definitely remember when I played L2, there was a girl with godly gear who did not hide the fact that her "e-bf" gave them to her, and oh, she could ask him for money or whatnot whenever she needed it.

I am not a "good" player in L1. I think, at least, in WOW, I was really good...except for my periodic ADD, and not knowing how to PVP worth a damn. Arena teams where people yell mass dispell at you, what? Definitely I have the same flaws in Lin, cannot pvp...sometimes I get distracted etc :P. But I'm an ok player, right?!

&so, it was very hard for me to take this. I guess I tried to imagine all the people IRL that I have annoyed by not just taking a gift and saying "thank you".

So maybe I am some sort of Lineage slut now. Or a regular person. Maybe regular friends routinely give gifts to one another. What a fine line to walk!

martes, 20 de julio de 2010

The Whip Lady

Do not get confused... It's not the one resting on the ground... is the one with the bow.

Bossing around!

Let's the iamges talk... but didn't leveled much, i might level in 1month... or maybe not...
Besides those bosses, I camped Phoenix... not much XP but nice Adena!!

Ahhh Also we Sieged!! We are sooooooooo noooob :) but even managed to get it... for a little while.

Even got a Bzel from Dragonfly... after event ;) what a junk!

lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

Just some lil'action

The babo crew is getting lazy, maybe it's time to recruit more babos/babettes. We went L4 and did some giran DM's with the pledge, but nothing unusual there. We also killed some bosses, nothing special, but here we go, let the pictures talk.

miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

Some fun

Also some funny things happened during these past days. I've started getting bzels right after the "bzel" event, there's some kind of twisted hand whom decides the drops I got? Moonfang got into another level of baboness :-P with that "quit pledge" for sieging, Karna was laughing so hard, anyway, I have to admit I would have liked to go punch the tower for five minutes.

And last, but not least, found one of those embryos, got so excited that tried to tell kaerimasu if she wanted to try tame the end, a furry lycanthrope came in the valakas lair and I, on a rush, hit the poor thing. It was Kae logging on her princess. I killed it x.x ooooh well, maybe next time.


Some bosses

I haven't posted in so many days that now, I will have to split the post in two. So first let get some bosses drop. As you might see TOI bosses still drop good. The bapho and dk are calls from Corvenix. I found that death, need to find some help to kill it.

We went checking 90/100 few times, but no luck on that, and 100F was really messy this past week.

Anyway, enjoy.

domingo, 11 de julio de 2010


Someone had to do it :).

I am too lazy to edit images. Deal with it.

Both my fox and my bunny leveled up again, yay! It was long overdue for the fox, as he probably died 5x in the Dwarf Event.

I only got to play for the last 3 days of the event, and was just afk 80% of the rest of the time. I got 51 bzels and 3X bdais, which I guess isn't too bad. I would have liked to have gotten 100 though, but man those dwarfs did not want to give up their metal to me.

Otherwise I get junk drops. I got a 10% ring today...wee.
Went 100f for the first time which was very cool...but that's been the highlight of the week!

The end~

sábado, 10 de julio de 2010


Well not quite, but almost as bad - think best drop was ring of wind - given that bdai prices are at rock bottom. Still nice to see him after so long...

If pyro gets round to uploading it you should be able to see the video of his run up on his site. You'll get to see how close i come to splatting with 150+mr and imm :D

Also - managed to solo this boss...

jueves, 8 de julio de 2010

Not much, but something

I did not play the event much, still have some bzels from previous events stored, and persuing dwarves was not boring, but tiresome. Anyway, got a lucky one as you might see on the screenshot.

As you may see, I have not leveled much lately, maybe I'm demotivated? Spent some forces on Murlock, and my pace now is slower than before. I should do 1% a day to be alright, let's see if my social summer duties allow it.

Also went 40F with Bloodspirit and he found 'da boss', bdai nzel, as I titled, not much, but something. Right after ending it, Corvenix called for DK on 5th, so we went finish him, bzel bdai, not bad, more than it used to give before Jetzen drop revamp.

Anyway, hope I my xp bar advance soon, I would like to go kill dragons again, let's have some fun.

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Event is over... Economy too

Two cheap bosses. The goat... not even adena or enchant... and the birdie... nzel :) Shame he didn't reborn from his ashes so we could kill him again...

And finally but not last...
I love the way they end. Really. But also I didn't believe my eyes when I saw that the scroll that he dropped was gold... coincidence? or nice revamp? who knows :)
Anyway, I would rather say that bzel is almost worthless nows a days...

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

El día de la Beeeeeeestia!

A great movie back in its day :)
The goat has his own opinion, he doesn't like to be imprisoned... So we released him from his torment. He dropped quite good. Not so good the second time, not even an enchant... Grrrrr!
Not much leveling, just killing dwarves the little time I can spend playing.
Have fun and Good luck!

lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Farming death

So I made ToS 2f key and on my first trip up there with a friend, got teled to, stunned and splatted by the Boss there - Death...

Called for back up and we decided to farm death for a while, since everyone was busy with event...

I'm sure Pyro will have better screenies on his blog... Since I suck at taking em, and have a temper-mental print screen button, anyways here's a glimpse into a mad hour or so that was the most fun I had since boss island event :)

1. Finding him up

2. Working the spawn

3. Stun alert!

4. Hammer time!

5. End result...

AG and demon...

Nothing to great by way of drops but a few screenies of boss ends...

sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

I reported a bot to the monitor. Volunteered to steal his monsters and show that he does not react to the monitor. This is what ensued.