miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Lichey Poo and LDs

This is not a bad drop from Lich, but nothing too grand either...

And this is the best way to stay awake :)

As another mage once said is no fun unless you have 20+ dragons on you and the server is lagging - sure makes life interesting

Ta Da!

Server down time so figure I get in the long over due post (s):

First up the panda - which is uber cute but levels too frickin slowly :( and is really expensive to feed... Pretty much given up on lvling it atm, its stuck at level 19 or so, still one of the only few on server...

And in other news - looks like they fixed DeathMatch points system finally - Think maybe I got a new in game goal... One more DM and am at # 5 :D

martes, 29 de junio de 2010

From Daaaawn til Dusk!

Or was the other way around? :)

Anyway, Couldn't play much lately due my work, but managed to play a bit and killed 2 bosses last week... maybe you guessed which from the title ;)

Dropped junk... but that's normal I guess, the new trend is to smash he hooded friends, way much more profitable!

Everyone's scattering like leafs on the summer breeze

Real life duties, connectivity problems or inactive accounts keep most of the publishers out of the scene. Where are you, baboes and babettes? I was expecting a post with your new flaming pet Moonfang, and I've heard you got 31F Charm, Karna!
And nobody took a SS of the lich we killed...1week ago or more?! Tsk Tsk...

Anyway, anyhow, I've been dropping on the leveling rate of the knight, been helping my brother finish his exp soups before they are gone, and trying to get one more level for the darkelf, so no much to be said from my side, just leveling the darkelf and killing a couple bosses, now that I remember, Spirit, drop 000000000, although was fun and good teamwork.

My favourite bosses right now are MLC ones, hope they put some minibosses too on DVC or SKT.

Good luck and Have Fun!

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

For Davido

I suck at graphics and photoshop...but seriously, anything is better than that resized image :P.

Props to PyroAmos' blog for the original image.

Summer is comming...

Sorry, couldn't help myself with a small tribute to "A Song of Ice and Fire" on the title. Moving forward into lineage, ops, sorrey! Lineage, I've been pretty lazy past 2 weeks, mostly all soups are gone and I'm keeping last ones for crazy spawns after weds-resets, so not much gaining on the xp bar.

Did not get many bosses either, found very few up, and checking for nothing is quite a hindrance. Got a Lich and Chaos, thats about it, half the babo-crew dished out Lich easily, and no need to mention how easy is Chaos. No big drops, but on my opinion, for all those who does not check bosses, is far more fun find it and get a bad drop that run and Zip!

I'm planning to get a 9kvs, although I'm not sure if it will be possible. Also bought a b-ags, and went test it on 20F, hmmm got to venz, can't tank 20ish mops with reds, truth to be told, I expected more of Counter Barrier.

Nothing else, nothing less...

See ya's around.

shit blows up so it's good

I said I would post when this happened. Not like anyone cares, but *some people* were like "omg! yes! post about yr awesome pets!".

deselectBloggerImageGracefully. What a retarded function name. I would lose marks for that. Anyway, my fox leveled, hurray! Then I was bored and got him 11 more percent...which was pretty easy, and rendered the whole "level up!" moment kind of...unimpressive.

Then my cat died and I was sad, because this stupid drake dropped an emerald best when I wandered into him. He was slightly avenged when 1 minute later I wandered into ddl and got a cdai.

That is all. I am very tired, so this is not written very well :/.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010


I've been lazy and this post is way over due. What have I been upto since I leveled? Lots. First up, thought I'd go and get some exp on 10f. Guess who I ran into up there?

Also caught this boss post reset at the Ship Graveyard. He was quite easy to kill.

Ran into this guy while I was running to find Jose. Guess someone killed the boss and bailed on him.

I got called to check 100f with Team Barca aka L3g3nd, Murlock, Joel, and Ice. Evelim as usual was MIA, probably playing babo facebook games. So what happens when you have 5 ppl on 100f and 1 doesn't speak Spanish? Confusion! Props to L3g3nd, switching between Spanish and English, and typing while running and checking 100f!

No luck though. We decided to hunt 99f for a bit. Bad idea for me since I hadn't brought wind rings, armor and monster eye steak for Iris and ended up dying like a noob. 99f can get nasty fast. Lesson learnt. Got a bunch of Iris souls and gifted it to Dakota for her new statue in the house.

Here's an action shot of Team Barca at play.

During the drop event I decided to try my luck for an ROTC. All I ended up with was this.

Also this was quite interesting to see. Can you tame mops after using tame magic on them?

Decided to head to 30f for some exp. Sure enough I run into Vamp. I don't know if I can solo him yet. Think I might be able to if I have the right gear on me. So, I called him in and Moonstone and Lightwind came to the rescue. Vamp had a few things on his mind that he wanted to discuss with me while I waited for backup. And after all his venting, he felt good enough to reward us!

31f Charm for sale. 6,666,666 adena only. Limited period offer.

Evelim logged on shortly after and found Mummy Lord for us.

Well that's all for now folks. Next time, a short hunt on revamped 7x and group hunt at Ancient Giant Grave.

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

XP crawling

Some days has passed since my last post, and I have no excuses. I've been baboing most of the time with some leveling and some bossing. The xp bar is slowly approaching to the next level, but, at this pace, I will still need more than a month of daily leveling.
On the other hand, as you might see on the pictures, bosses has been kinda cheap. A friend just told me that they are planning to revamp them. Better. It's sad killing to mainland bosses and dont get a single nzel.

To be honest, best dropping ones are caspa and his friends on gludio caves. It would be fun if they add small bosses like those on dvc and skt or other hunting areas. I've also heard that there is a lvl system on lineage II to prevent high level players to steal bosses from newbies, that might also help to encourage low level players to start playing.

Anyway, c'ya around and enjoy.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Another Mummy

Well, the event ended, but
its time to still checking some bosses

Mummy Lord is the easiest boss to
find i think. Rarely time i find
ppl on 60f.
This time i found it and called
33 and Dakota. He drops
some scrolls.

Toi Bosses in 2x drop event

Didn't do too much bossing in event... was too busy dying to stupid NC and stupid lag... Lost close to 10M in buybacks over last two weeks ... you do the math...

Did get a few bosses tho... The best of them being a KV

Also got 3 lich but none dropped charm or even a bscroll... just lotsa lines of junk... Oh well, I still think lich iz teh coolest boss :) - I like him even moren grim even tho he drops junk... lol

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

My first Mummy lord

2 days after event ends, i got my
first boss of the week!

While some ppl cheking other floor,
i decided to check 60f and found that
poor guy with half of his body. He looks
mad, cause he hit very hard :P

Not bad drop at all (c/ndai and zel)

domingo, 6 de junio de 2010


Today, some babos, killed some
Iris on 91f+ and got some iris Soul
to make this:

(I hope they dont did it to create some
bath moments -.-')

We were watching the new statue,
when we got the bored moment on the
house underground

Was funny hehe.


sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

Getting Lazy!

These past two days I've been a bit lazy on the leveling, checked some bosses and minibosses, but if I don't focus on the xp bar, it will be long til I get to 75.
On the bright side, due the x2 event and polly, some friends that were not playing are back, and that's always good news.

C'u around, gl & hf

P.S. It seems KV drops something on x2 events.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

My first 2x drop day

Well i tryied to go DVC to get my ROTC,
because is the last ring i need (ZR will be
welcome also :P) But after 2 hours of
questioned luck, i get bored and tryied to go
41f. There was many ppl, but at least i got
1 Bzel v.v We checked many boss but didnt find
any :(

Tonight i said to myself...lets try 1 di boss time
before i go sleep. Then here i go. I found 2 unicorns
and 1 water spirit. Got nothing from them, but my
pretty bears got another bzel :D

Recount of the day: 2 Bzel...well not bad at all :P

2x drop probability on old drop tables

Been a decent event so far.

Nothing spectacular yet. Looks like a lot of people are camping bosses in the hopes of drops... So we haven't been getting that many.

Did get a KV which dropped n/b zel and dai - as usual forgot to take screenie.

Did however take screenies of this drop and not the boss - More cos I out-pulled a 70+ knight (Again :P) These KGs are sweet. Thanks for the call Lex - was fun :)

This wasn't a boss drop - but is pretty damn rare so decided to post it - bzel off a fire ghost :)

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Back to Old Drops?

This week we will have double drop chance event, also, since the matter arose on the forums, NCA stuff is debating the possibility of setting the drop lists back to the former ones. I've been kinda focussed on leveling the knight, exhausted all the 150% soups, and got the 50% I was looking for, if we get back to the old drop lists, it's possible that my leveling rate will decrease and I'll go back to 41F to make some monies!
Anyway, here are some screenshots of the delights of the actual bosses, enjoy'em!

C'u Around, babos and babettes.