viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

But my mum Told me that Babo is...

I played enough of event for getting candies to get to Lv 76. Did not do much beside that. Went some L4 runs and Ice Cavern, also we tried to kill dragons, but were only able to kill Fafurion, and people lost interest quickly, since it does not drop very good.

Also helped my brother to get few more candies. Tested them on new Giran Prison area, wow, WOW! Where are those old days of hard leveling at Fire Valley Beach? Jejeje

The Rest of the pics, as you can see, it's me fooling around, or baboing around, however you prefer to said it.

Dudes! We do need to get an antharas key! Already spent my million for 40 sunflower seeds! We also need to gather a group to go kill Thebes and Tikal bosses! C'mon!

Anyway, anyhow, gl & hf

...a Babo is someone who does baboness.

P.S. Sorry about the lenght of it, it died fast

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola l3g3nd aqui nomas saludando, yaseino me paso una copia del lineage (que no funciona) para las dos semanas gratis, y vi en los screen shots una foto donde le decias tu blog, asi que entre a saludar :D

  2. Jejeje de vez en cuando aún entro a mirar el vídeo que grabaste de aquel ifriturion que tienes colgado en youtube!

  3. en el que pase media pelea congelado, o buscando un lugar libre para pegarle.
