jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

This is what happens when you're bored...

So yeah, not much to do in game anymore... Pyro had this brainwave that maybe lind wouldn't be so hard to take down, based on the fact that he hit it for over a minute and a half on imm without it calling out names...

So yea me ever ready to die went out there with imm and counter, 100mr and 70 wind and 1 hit end :) For the others, as they say pictures speak more than words...

Then there was IQ, where I tried to get my hunting partner killed again... by doing this nifty poly while the mops rolled in...

Last got a coupla bosses... not much to write about - but sumpin better than nothing I guess...

Got a ZL which dropped Horror of Death too - image won't upload for some reason tho...

Anyways, account is inactive now and will remain so till Halloween, need to get some real life stuff sorted out but should be back in a coupla weeks - hope the event is worth it lol...

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